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User Agreement

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) regulates the relationship regarding the use of the website on the Internet with the address exsun.io (hereinafter referred to as the Site) and is concluded between the Site Administration and any individuals using the Site to obtain information about the exchange conditions of various digital currencies by exchange points, admitted by the Site Administration to be placed on the Site (hereinafter - Users). Together, the Site Administration and Users are referred to as the 'Parties.' The use of all the Site's capabilities by Users is subject to the registration procedure. When registering on the Site, Users unconditionally agree to this Agreement and accept the conditions set forth in it, including those related to their rights and obligations in connection with the use of the Site and interaction with the Site Administration. The completion of the User's registration on the Site implies their familiarization with the text of this Agreement. Any use of the Site by the User to obtain information about the exchange conditions of various digital currencies by exchange points, the information about which is presented on the Site, including without registration, implies their prior familiarization with this Agreement and acceptance of all its conditions. In case of disagreement with any condition of the Agreement, the User must stop using the Site and leave it. This Agreement is considered a public offer in accordance with Article 2, Paragraph 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In case of disagreement with any condition of this Agreement or with its full text, the User must stop using the Site. The acceptance of the offer is made by the User during the registration procedure by marking a checkbox specially provided for this purpose. Without accepting the conditions of this Agreement, the User cannot register on the Site and use the services provided by the Site. The Parties have agreed that the User's marking in the specially provided field during registration indicates the User's familiarization with the entire text of the Agreement, the full and unconditional acceptance of its conditions.

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Site Administration undertakes to provide Users with services related to providing access to the Site and using its capabilities, and Users undertake to use the services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and applicable legislation.

1.2. The Site Administration provides services that enable Users to have technical capabilities to use all the functionality of the Site.

1.3. The Site is not a platform for the exchange of digital currencies. The Site Administration is not a seller, buyer, or exchange point for digital currencies. The Site provides Users with the opportunity to obtain information about the exchange rates of digital currencies on various Internet resources for the exchange of digital currencies (hereinafter referred to as the exchange point), as well as other information necessary for continuing communication with the exchange point regarding the turnover of digital currencies.

1.4. The subject of this Agreement does not include the regulation of relations between Users and exchange points regarding the turnover of digital currencies, even if the User has visited the Internet site of the exchange point through a link posted on the Site. The rights and obligations of the User and the exchange point are determined by the respective regulatory legal documents posted on the Internet site of the exchange point or brought to the attention of Users in another way.

2. Description of Services

2.1. The Site is an electronic platform for monitoring digital currency exchange points, where information about the exchange rates of digital currencies, reserve volumes, and other data related to resources for exchanging digital currencies on the Internet is posted. Users are provided with the opportunity to obtain information about the conditions for exchanging digital currencies on various Internet resources for exchanging digital currencies.

2.2. Individuals who have reached the age of 18 and have the necessary legal capacity to enter into transactions with digital currencies, except for citizens or residents of the USA, are allowed to register on the Site as Users. By registering on the Site, the User confirms compliance with the above requirement and also confirms compliance with prohibitions and restrictions related to participation in digital currency transactions established by the legislation of their jurisdiction.

3. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

3.1. Rights of the Site Administration.

3.1.1. The Site Administration undertakes to provide Users with services related to providing access to the Site and using its features. The scope, terms, and conditions of services depend on the type of services acquired or obtained by the User, but in any case, the possibility or impossibility of accessing the services is determined at the moment of making the corresponding request through the Site. The Site Administration does not guarantee that the information available at a certain moment will be available at any other time during the term of this Agreement.

3.1.2. The Site Administration has the right, at its discretion and without obtaining prior consent from Users, to make changes to the list of services provided.

3.1.3. In case of a User's violation of the terms of this Agreement, the Site Administration has the right to send a warning to the email address specified during registration on the Site or through personal messages on the Site at the discretion of the Site Administration, indicating the committed violations. Instead of sending this warning, the Site Administration has the right to block the User's access to the Site at any time and cancel their account on the Site.

3.1.4. During the term of the Agreement, the Site Administration has the right to moderate the reviews of exchange points posted by Users on the Site.

3.1.5. The Site Administration has the right to delete any reviews of exchange points posted by Users on the Site at any time without giving reasons.

3.1.6. The Site Administration has the right, at its discretion, to determine and change the technical parameters of the Site, its design, functionality, and other parameters.

3.1.7. The Site Administration collects, processes, stores, and uses the personal data of Users in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006, 'On Personal Data,' the provisions of the Privacy Policy, and only for the purpose of proper performance of its obligations under the terms of this Agreement. By registering on the Site, Users agree to receive informational and advertising messages from the Site Administration by the methods it deems necessary and in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.1.8. The Site Administration has the right to accrue cashback to Users for performing operations with digital currencies in the exchange point that is a partner of the Site Administration, provided that the User transitions to the resource of the respective exchange point through the link posted on the Site. Funds are credited to the User's account on the Site upon receiving a request from the User.

3.1.9. The Site Administration has other rights provided for in this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The Site Administration exercises the rights of a service provider under a contract for the provision of paid services, as provided by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Obligations of the Site Administration.

3.2.1. Provide services of proper quality in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

3.2.2. Not to prevent Users from using all available functionality of the Site, provided that such behavior does not contradict the terms of this Agreement or the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2.3. Use the information received from Users, including personal data, exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement.

3.2.4. Timely (no later than 168 hours from the moment of receiving the User's request) verify Users' requests for cashback accrual and credit the cashback amount to the User's account in their personal account on the Site. The Site Administration undertakes to transfer funds to the User's specified requisites no later than 7 calendar days after receiving the User's request to withdraw funds from their account in the personal account on the Site. The obligation of the Site Administration to transfer the User's funds is considered fulfilled from the moment the corresponding amount is debited from their account in the personal account on the Site. The Site Administration is not responsible for possible delays in transferring funds on the part of the payment system operators chosen by the User.

3.2.5. The Site Administration also has other obligations provided by this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The Site Administration fulfills the duties of a service provider under a contract for the provision of paid services, as provided by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.3. User Responsibilities:

3.3.1. Know and comply with this Agreement, as well as other current regulatory documents on the Site. The User must cease to use the Site if they have not properly assessed the risks associated with digital currency transactions, and do not have the necessary knowledge to carry out such operations.

3.3.2. Do not post on the Site and do not otherwise distribute information prohibited for disclosure in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In particular, it is prohibited to distribute any information that contains threats, discredits, insults, harms the honor and dignity or business reputation, or violates the privacy of other Users or third parties; is vulgar or indecent, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature involving minors; contains scenes of inhumane treatment of animals; contains descriptions of suicide methods, any incitement to commit suicide; promotes and/or contributes to inciting racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, promotes fascism or the ideology of racial superiority; contains extremist materials; promotes criminal activity or contains advice, instructions or guidance on committing criminal activities, contains restricted access information, including, but not limited to, state and commercial secrets, information about the private life of third parties; contains advertising or describes the attractiveness of drug use, information about the distribution of drugs, recipes for their manufacture, and advice on use; has a fraudulent nature.

3.3.3. Do not post knowingly false information when registering on the Site, when filling out your profile, when posting reviews of exchange points, as well as in all other cases associated with the transfer of information to other Users, or with access to this information by third parties through the Site.

3.3.4. Do not post and/or transmit, using the Site, materials if the User does not have the corresponding rights to do so. This applies to materials protected by copyright, trademarks, patents, as well as agreements on non-disclosure of information, confidentiality, and the like. The Site Administration is not responsible for the placement of such materials.

3.3.5. Do not violate the information security of the Site.

3.3.6. Do not use knowingly false information during registration, as well as impersonate someone else. Do not mislead other Users and the Site Administration about your identity in any other way.

3.3.7. Do not destroy and/or modify any materials on the Site for which the User is not the author.

3.3.8. Do not transfer your authorization data to access your personal account on the Site to third parties. The User is fully responsible for all damage caused to them by third parties as a result of intentional or unintentional transfer of the User's authorization data to the Site to another person. The User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the authorization data for their personal account and any use of the Site using this information.

3.3.9. Do not take actions to spread malicious code on the Site or other Internet resources using the Site. It is prohibited to collect information about other Users through the Site. Users are prohibited from disrupting the normal functioning of the Site, interfering with its operation, otherwise violating the functionality of the Site and/or its individual elements, as well as preventing other Users from using the Site. Users are prohibited from distributing spam, excessively large files, email chains, information about financial pyramids, malicious code, or any other information or technologies that may harm the Site and/or the rights and legitimate interests of the Site Administration or Users through the Site.

3.3.10. Users are not allowed to use the Site for unlawful activities.

3.3.11. In relations with the Site Administration, the User also has other responsibilities provided by this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The User performs the duties of the Customer under the contract for the provision of paid services, provided for by civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.4. User Rights:

3.4.1. Freely and at any time at their discretion to use the services provided by the Site. Users, in particular, have the right to familiarize themselves with information about exchange points presented on the Site, the types and conditions of digital currency exchange offered by them, read reviews about exchange points, follow links to the Internet resources of selected exchange points, leave reviews about exchange points, and choose various search parameters when searching for exchange points.

3.4.2. At their discretion, provide their account details (login and individual password) during registration. After registration, the individual password can be changed.

3.4.3. In relations with the Site Administration, the User also has other rights provided by this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The User has the rights of the Customer under the contract for the provision of paid services, provided for by civil legislation of the Russian Federation. In relations with exchange points regarding the turnover of digital currencies, Users have the rights of a party to the relevant contract provided by a public offer, a user agreement, or any similar document posted on the Internet resource of the exchange point.

4. Registration on the Site

4.1. To access all the features of the Site, the User needs to go through the registration process.

4.2. Site registration is voluntary and free. Before starting the registration process, the Site User undertakes to familiarize themselves with the terms of this Agreement. From the moment of registration, the User and the Site Administration assume all the rights and obligations specified in the Agreement and undertake to strictly follow them.

4.3. To register on the Site, the User needs to provide the following information: email address (login), individual password. Also, at the User's choice, registration can be done using a social network identifier. In this case, registration takes place automatically using publicly available data from the User's social network profile, for the use of which for registration on the Site, the User gives their consent.

4.4. To access the personal account on the Site and other Site features, the User goes through the authorization process, i.e., identification and verification as a person previously registered with specific registration data. To do this, in specially designated fields on the Site, the User enters their login and individual password provided during registration. Entering the correct combination of login and individual password is sufficient grounds for logging into the Site and confirming that these and subsequent actions were performed by the User, unless proven otherwise. Authorization can also be done, at the User's choice, through social networks.

4.5. In case the User detects unauthorized access to their profile, they must immediately inform the Site Administration.

4.6. The Site Administration, at its discretion for the convenience of Users, has the right to develop rules for using specific Site features. The terms of these rules cannot contradict the provisions of this Agreement. The Site Administration informs the User about new rules by placing their text on the Site.

5. Digital Currency Transactions

5.1. Users, through the available functionality of the Site, have the right to go to the website of their chosen exchange point to conduct transactions involving digital currencies. The procedure, conditions for handling digital currencies at a specific exchange point, the rights and obligations of the parties in the relevant legal relationship, and other issues related to the User's interaction with the exchange point regarding the handling of digital currencies are determined by the legal documents of the respective exchange point. The Site Administration is not a party to the relationship between the User and the exchange point regarding the handling of digital currencies, does not determine the terms of legally binding agreements between these parties.

5.2. In case of non-performance or improper performance of obligations by the exchange point whose information is posted on the Site, the User whose rights have been violated has the right to contact the Site Administration with a request to include the exchange point in the Site's blacklist and provide evidence of the violation of their rights. The Site Administration may, at its discretion, consider this request and, based on its results, include the exchange point in the Site's blacklist or refuse to do so without explaining the reasons.

5.3. Civil legal relations related to the handling of digital currencies arise between the User and the exchange point. All settlements between them are made without the participation of the Site Administration.

6. Payments

6.1. Payments on the Site between Users and the Site Administration are made in Russian rubles, expressed in US dollars at the official exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of the payment transaction.

6.2. Delays related to the features of the payment systems' operation may occur during transactions. The Site Administration, on its part, undertakes to promptly process Users' requests for the withdrawal of funds from their personal account in the user's personal account on the Site. Also, the Site Administration undertakes to promptly and without significant delays display data on the User's account status after they receive funds as cashback or rewards for a review of the exchange point.

6.3. Possible commissions of payment systems are paid by the party initiating the payment.

6.4. The provisions of this section of the Agreement apply to the relationship between the Site Administration and Users arising in connection with the accrual of cashback to the User by the Site Administration, rewards for a review of the exchange point, and their withdrawal from the User's account in the user's personal account on the Site. Cashback is credited to the User for their transactions with digital currencies at an exchange point that is a partner of the Site Administration, provided that the User transitions to the website of the respective exchange point from the link posted on the Site. The amount of cashback is determined by the Site Administration at its discretion and applied separately to each exchange point. The reward for a review is paid to the User by the Site Administration, acting on behalf of the exchange point, on whose website the User conducted a transaction with digital currencies using the link posted on the Site, provided that the User posts a review of the respective exchange point on the Site. The amount of the reward for a review is determined by the exchange point.

7. Confidentiality

7.1. The Site Administration receives and processes the User's personal data exclusively to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. The Site Administration undertakes not to transfer the User's data to third parties without their consent, except as provided by law.

7.2. The User's provision of their personal data implies their unconditional consent that the Site Administration will process their personal data, use them to inform the User about the Site's activities, and perform other actions related to the need to fulfill the terms of this Agreement.

7.3. The relationship between the Parties related to the processing of the User's personal data is regulated by Federal Law of July 27, 2006, No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" and the privacy policy in effect on the Site.

7.4. The Site Administration undertakes, taking into account technical capabilities, to take measures to ensure the security of the User's personal data and prevent unauthorized access by third parties.

7.5. When loading any page of the Site on User devices, a text file called "cookie" is also loaded. These files are loaded onto User devices to ensure the provision of services to Users by the Site Administration, as provided by the Agreement, and to improve their quality. Users, by accepting the terms of this Agreement, automatically agree to receive cookie files on their devices.

8. Intellectual Property of the Site Administration

8.1. The design and source code of the Site, informational, graphic, audio, video, photo, and other content of the Site created by the Site Administration and placed on the Site (both visible to the User and invisible without performing special actions, whether lawful or not) are the intellectual property of the Site Administration or other rights holders who have entered into an agreement with the Site Administration, granting it the right to place these objects of intellectual property on the Site or as part of it, and are protected in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. The transfer of exclusive rights to the objects specified in clause 8.1. is not covered by this Agreement.

8.3. The User is legally responsible under the legislation of the Russian Federation for any actions that violate the exclusive rights of the Site Administration.

9. Liability

9.1. The Site cannot in any way be considered a platform for the exchange, sale, purchase, or other handling of digital currencies. All transactions with digital currencies are carried out by exchange offices, information about which is presented on the Site. By registering on the Site, the User acknowledges and agrees that they use the Site at their own discretion and at their own risk. The Site, as well as its components and elements, is provided on an 'as is' basis. The Site Administration, to the extent permitted by applicable law, disclaims any warranties to Users regarding the Site, both express and implied, including warranties of achieving the goals desired by Users and fitness for a particular purpose.

9.2. The Site Administration does not provide Users with any warranties and cannot be held responsible for the exchange offices' fulfillment of Users' requests to perform operations within the scope of handling digital currencies or for their compliance with the requirements of applicable laws and agreements concluded with Users. The Site Administration does not provide guarantees and cannot be held responsible for the compliance of the parameters of performing operations with digital currencies at a specific exchange office, as indicated on the Site, with the conditions established by the exchange office regarding the User when they apply for these operations.

9.3. The Site Administration is not affiliated with exchange offices and has no control over them. Placing links to the Internet resources of exchange offices on the Site is not considered evidence of the Site Administration's affiliation with exchange offices. These links are provided to Users for their convenience or for obtaining reference information. Placing information about an exchange office on the Site does not mean that the Site Administration finances the activities of the exchange office, approves its activities, or recommends it.

9.4. Each User is responsible for the information posted on their behalf and for the consequences of such posting.

9.5. The Site is only an informational platform and is not responsible for the accuracy and relevance of the information posted on it by Users and exchange offices.

9.6. The Site Administration makes every effort to exclude negligent, careless, knowingly false, or incomplete information from the Site. However, ultimately, the responsibility for it lies with the persons who posted it.

9.7. The Site Administration is not responsible for whether Users are actually the individuals they claim to be and is not responsible for any damage caused to Users or other persons for this reason.

9.8. By using information from the Site, Users acknowledge and accept the risks associated with the possible inaccuracy of the information posted on the Site, as well as the fact that some information may seem threatening, offensive, defamatory, knowingly false, rude, or indecent. Users follow the links to exchange offices placed on the Site at their own risk, as well as perform operations with digital currencies on these resources. The Site does not contain recommendations to Users on issues related to performing operations with digital currencies. The content of the Site cannot be considered professional advice on these matters. The Site Administration does not encourage Users to perform operations with digital currencies. Users are hereby warned of the existence of uncertainty and risk when performing operations with digital currencies.

9.9. The Site Administration does not guarantee that the User, by following a link to the Internet resource of an exchange office placed on the Site, will be able to perform the desired operation with digital currency and/or receive any other benefit, and cannot be held responsible for the inability to perform such actions.

9.10. The Site Administration does not guarantee that the software, servers, and computer networks used by the Site are free from errors and computer viruses. If the use of the Site leads to the loss of data or damage to equipment, the Site Administration is not responsible for this.

9.11. The Site Administration is not responsible for any damage and other adverse consequences for Users caused by the exchange offices' failure to fulfill their obligations arising from civil legal relations between them and Users regarding the performance of operations with digital currencies.

9.12. The Site Administration is not responsible for losses incurred by Users or third parties due to the User's violation of the terms of this Agreement.

9.13. The Site Administration does not guarantee the safety of the Site from unlawful actions by third parties aimed at disrupting the normal operation of the Site, destroying the information security of the Site, etc., and cannot be held responsible for these actions by third parties and the consequences of such actions.

9.14. The User ensures the availability of appropriate technical equipment, access to the Internet to use the services provided by the Site Administration. The latter is not responsible for the User's inability to receive services established by this Agreement due to malfunctions (including those caused by the actions of malicious programs) or non-compliance of the User's technical equipment with the requirements, the User's lack of access to the Internet, for other reasons for which the Site Administration cannot be held responsible.

9.15. Failures or inability to access the Site are not considered a failure or improper performance by the Site Administration of its obligations under this Agreement, caused by: unlawful actions of Users or third parties aimed at disrupting the normal operation of the Site and its information security; failures in the operation of the Site; actions of government authorities.

9.16. In case of force majeure circumstances, accidents or failures in the software and hardware complexes of third parties cooperating with the Site Administration, or actions (inaction) of third parties aimed at suspending or terminating the operation of the Site, the operation of the Site may be suspended without prior notice to Users.

9.17. Neither Party is responsible for the complete or partial non-performance of any of its obligations if the non-performance is a consequence of such circumstances as floods, fires, earthquakes, other natural disasters, war or military actions, and other force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement and are beyond the control of the Parties.

9.18. The Site Administration does not guarantee and cannot be held responsible to Users for the availability of Internet resources of exchange offices placed on the Site.

10. Dispute Resolution Procedure

10.1. In the event of disagreements between the Site Administration and Users regarding the performance of this Agreement, the priority form of their resolution is negotiations, which can be conducted in any form agreed upon by the Parties.

10.2. If the Parties fail to reach an agreement, each Party has the right to send a written claim to the other Party. The claim must contain the following identifying User data: last name, first name, patronymic, place of registration, email address, contact phone number. Without specifying this information, the Site Administration has the right not to consider the received claim.

10.3. The User's claim may contain information about violations of the terms of this Agreement by another User, as well as by the exchange office.

10.4. The Site Administration considers the claim within 10 calendar days from the moment it is received by the Site Administration in the proper form. The User is notified of the results of the claim consideration by email to the User's email address or by postal mail.

10.5. The pre-trial procedure for resolving disagreements is binding on the Parties.

11. Other Terms

11.1. All appeals to the Site Administration related to and arising from this Agreement should be sent to the following email address: [email protected].

11.2. This Agreement is concluded in electronic form and does not require written formalization and signing by the Parties.

11.3. This Agreement enters into force from the moment of its publication on the Site and is valid indefinitely. The version of the Agreement in force at the time of completing the User registration procedure on the Site applies to the relations between the Parties. No provisions of the Agreement have retroactive force.

11.4. Changes to the terms of this Agreement are made by the Site Administration by publishing a new version of the Agreement openly on the Site without separately notifying Users. Posting a new version of the Agreement on the Site is considered a proper form of notifying Users of changes to the Agreement. The new version of the Agreement comes into effect from the moment of its publication on the Site.

11.5. Each Party has the right to terminate the Agreement at any time at its own discretion. The Site Administration posts on the Site or sends to the User's email address a notification of the termination of the Agreement. The User terminates the Agreement by deleting their profile on the Site. This Agreement is also considered terminated from the moment of canceling the User's account due to a violation of the Agreement terms.

11.6. The Parties have agreed that their correspondence in electronic form, except as specifically indicated in the Agreement, is considered by them to have legal force in case of disagreements.

11.7. The relations between the Parties not regulated by this Agreement are governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.